With the digital world, most people with a digital product ( book, software, app, content ) tries to market the website and rank globally and they completely ignore local marketing that can bring focused customers. There are some businesses that are available only locally, like restaurants, shops, hotels, etc. In such cases there is no point in marketing it globally. However, most business owners make the mistake to hire a marketing company that will try to to that, instead focusing on a local market. Why should I hire a hotel internet marketing company? In the end, focused marketing is the solution to successful businesses. Instead of hiring a general and global marketing company, you should focus on a targeted local one. They have the knowledge and experience to give you the results that you need, instead of numbers that don’t bring you any money back.

Most people tend to look for results: How many visitors will you bring ? and they forget about what matters. Are those visitors interested in my business ? Can those visitors buy from me ? Numbers don’t matter. It is better to have 100 visitors a day with a 20% conversion rate, than 1000 visitors with 1% conversion rate. When you hire a company to market your website, first ask about their knowledge and experience in your type of business or in your area. Then, make sure that they clearly understand your business model and your customers to be sure that they can deliver it. In my experience, most agencies will just throw up numbers from their previous contracts trying to impress you with how many visitors or rankings they were able to achieve. That rankings does not matter to you if what they do is just getting general and global visitors.