Although WordPress is known for its security, it never hurts to add additional security measures to your site, not only for your safety but for the safety of your readers whether it may be email address protection or firewall protection.

WordPress Security Scan is a plugin that scans WordPress installation for vulnerabilities in security and recommends you corrective actions. These vulnerabilities include file permissions, version hiding, database security and passwords.

If you are running a dedicated server, you may have purchased a SSL certificate. The plugin Force SSL will force an HTTPS connection and require users to use a SSL connection while viewing your website, providing added security.

If you are unable to purchase a SSL, talk to your website host to see about shared SSL certificates. If you don’t want to spend any money, try CHAP Secure Login for password encryption. This plugin uses the CHAP protocol when encrypting your passwords. The password is hidden with a random number that is generated by the session, and the only information that is left unencrypted is your username.

Password encryption is key when it comes to website security. Admin SSL, which also requires you to have a SSL certificate, makes sure that on every page where a password is required, all information becomes encrypted. It secures the administration area, the login page, your posts and any other area requiring a password.

It is always a good idea to backup your database just in case your website is compromised. DB Backup automates the backing up of your database tables, sending it to your email.

To protect your blog from attacks like directory transversal or SQL interjections, WP Firewall monitors web requests to recognize and stop obvious attacks. This plugin will blacklist or whitelist certain phrases depending on where they appear in the page request. Keep in mind, though, that this doesn’t take the place of doing the responsible thing and upgrading your WordPress.

If you are interested in monitoring possible attacks on your blog, try WP-Malwatch. This plugin does a nightly scan, looking for suspicious activity. If your website has been compromised by hackers, it will give you an alert in a dashboard widget so you can take a better look. Make sure you couple this plugin with additional security as this does not block the attack, it only alerts you of possible breach in security.

BulletProof Security will protect your blog from all SQL and XSS hacking attempts. This plugin will protect the following files: php.ini, php5.ini, install.php, wp-config.php and readme.html. It does this by offering a one click activation of .htaccess security mode and 503 Site Under Maintenance mode. It renames, copies and moves .htaccess master files that are located in the plugin folder to your root or /wp-admin folder.

To stop unwanted changes in your files, WP File Monitor sends you an email when it detects any changes done in your blog file directory. It allows you to exclude certain directories if you are using a caching system. If, for some reason, you are unable to receive the emails, it will also post a notification in the administration area.

Using Javascript to protect your email address from spam crawlers, WP Email Protect converts your email address into forms that aren’t recognized, either in image or text for automatically.

With the help of these security plugins, your WordPress website can have the security of Fort Knox, giving you peace of mind knowing that you and your viewers personal information won’t be compromised. With all of the dangers lurking on the internet, it feels good knowing that your website is completely safe!Top security plug ins