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Entries for the ‘General’ Category

How to use firebug to improve your bog design

In this video i will show you how to use firebug to improve the proccess of design editing. The most important feature of firebug is that you can change things and see the results immediately. The design is mostly about experiments, you make it and the you take a look. If you like it you […]

How many words your articles have

We are very fortunate that wordpress tell us as how long is the article ( in words ) as we type. Sometimes this can change our mood. After you worked hard to write the article, you look at the word counter and see 200 words it can be frustrating. On the other side, if you […]

When you know it is time to move to a new Host

Like all bloggers and webmasters you start either with a shared hosting, wither you ask a friend if he can help you with hosting for your site. You assume that your website will not generate too much traffic. It is true, a shared hosting can be the best choice. A shared hosting means that on […]

Why it’s better to show only a summary of the article on the front page

Blogs are everywhere so you must seen blogs who shows full posts on the blog front-page, and others who shows only a summary of the post and a link saying “Read more” or “Read the rest of this entry”. There is a lot of debate on this subject, but the type of display depends of […]